R James Milos
Graduating from Seton Hall University with a BS in Education, I joined the Peace Corps as a teacher of English as a foreign language (TELF). I served two years in Baghlan, Afghanistan. I returned as a middle school English teacher in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. I was awarded a Fellowship in Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University and attended Fordham University majoring in tests and measurements.
Subsequent career positions included technical writer, manager of documentation, marketing communications director, and web content editor. I was past president and web master of the Tech Valley Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication.
I have written technical manuals, marketing brochures, sales collateral, advertisement copy, and while at IBM, developed, managed, and maintained an interactive, electronic customer agent.
I am the author of three novels (with another under contract) and one novella. Several of my short stories and poems have been published.
Now residing in Brunswick, New York, I was employed by Excelsior College where I founded and was managing editor of the Excelsior ReView. I am married with two adult children, Stephanie and Greg and three grandchildren, Travis, Daphne, and Vivian.
I am a member of Brunswick Grange 1337.
Writing is a craft.